The Help Center is a hub for users to connect and discuss all help topics while staying updated. Topics include how tos, feature requests, and integrations.
The Help Center is a hub for users to connect and discuss all help topics while staying updated. Topics include how tos, feature requests, and integrations.
GoCanvas needed a way for their users to easily access the resources to help them understand and navigate the product. The previous solution of one page with FAQs was missing as sense of community. Users were limited to a single form which addressed only a few issues.
We looked to Zendesk as a platform to bridge the disconnect between the users. The platform also enabled a way for the support team to easily organize, prioritize, and address customer issues efficiently.
I led the UI design and customization of Zendesk. To customize the help center, I utilized my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. In addition, I learned Handlebars language which Zendesk uses to template out pages. Most of the functionalities like search, categories, and a community were already built and included as customizable sections.
Along with building and customizing the Help center, I designed a set of icons and heroes to match the new rebrand to ensure a unified look across the product’s applications and site.
Users are now able to interact with one another, submit a ticket, have on-going conversations with support, and quickly find answers to their issues.
Zendesk already had an established flow which met the requirements needed for Gocanvas’ users to navigate their way through the Help Center. While this made it easy to build out, customization to specific content required some JavaScript to replace the default language by Zendesk. This was important in creating a unified feel, not only in the interface, but in the content as well.
Once the Help Center was ready, it was handed off to the content and support team to manage. Today, the site is still in use by the support team to help address tickets, feature requests, and creates a community for both the internal team and the product’s users.